Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Thank You Easter Bunny! ;-)

Gavin's Easter Egg creation - school project
Ready to see what the Easter Bunny brought!

Slade just found out and likes it!

After Easter Mass pic with Mom

Awe! :-)

and with Dad

Gavin Luke and Camryn

Slade's 1st Easter Egg Hunt

He's got the idea... ;-)

I don't know about these two... looks suspicious.

Yay Easter! Everyone was off for Good Friday; even Art! :-) I love having my boys home! We did nothing that day but chill. Saturday Art and Gav went to play somewhere; I forgot while I ran around the house like a mad woman trying to clean and prepare for Easter. When the boys got home they got their Easter baskets! Then Easter Sunday we had Mass that morning, came home for some pics in the front yard, changed, got a bunch of stuff packed and off to PaPa's! It was hot and fun! Margaret cooked practically everything... I love her! :-) The kids played and then we went on a random hike to see the new dam they're constructing for the creek... should have worn different shoes/outfit... I survived and Gavin and Camryn loved it! Slade went too; he's crazy. :-) Shortly after we got back a few of us hid all of the 90 some odd eggs for the kids' hunt... great, blessed day!

Gavin the Karate Superstar!


The Karate Kid in action

Gav receiving his 1st place trophy!

Gavin has been taking karate for a couple of months and he's already a yellow belt! He participated in his first tournament and was very excited! He did so well and we're very proud of him! He takes karate very seriously and enjoys it so much! He likes his sensei and is learning a lot of kick butt moves! :-) Look out...

Yep, We Actually Do This... :-/

Enjoying the birdies at PetCo
Trying to grab a hermit crab.

What? I got somethin on my face... what?

2nd snack CheezeIts

You can see the wheels turning... It's written all over his face that he's over the CheezeIts.

But what will be his 3rd snack??? All his snacks are items I've opened from the store... did not bring with. I pay for it!

What? Oh, we're only on aisle 5 :-/ and I'm a slow grocery shopper! Lol?

I'm going to go ahead and put just a taste of what goes on when we run errands. Some people already know... like the good people at Kroger and PetCo just to name a few. Here it goes...

Doesn't everyone take pics in PetCo? They enjoy the critters way too much and I'm not getting them anymore pets; sooo :-) We do the same run down every time we go in there which is once a month for Star and Shorty's food.. look at the fish. Gavin likes to find all of the dead ones. ??? Then on to the reptiles. Gav loves scorpions, but doesn't want one. He also likes the lizards. Slade likes to watch the hermit crabs and snakes. I like them too. Not hermit crabs though we tried and failed having those as pets... :-( Next, birds. We were there for a what seemed like forever; so I broke out the camera! While I pay Gavin goes to visit the cats bc their cages are right across. As for the grocery store; I didn't get a pic of Slade throwing items out of the cart. He does that every time. When I'm practically done. :-) People point and laugh at us... every time. One man even said, "Whoa, that lil guy sure can launch toilet paper far! Did you see that?!" as he nudged his wife and laughed; while pointing... I wouldn't be surprised if we are on you tube.

Spring Break Surprise! :-)

Bentley and Gav on the trampoline all late night
Slade looking.. at his name

Awe... ;-)

Jett Sydney and Gavin

cousin time in the ocean

Gavin's Godmother (Art's sister :-) called me while we were all on Spring Break to let us know they were planning a visit to Houston. We decided not to tell him... He LOVES what he calls he Godfamily! The next evening we had Gav's Godparents and cousins (Alexis, Robert, Bentley, Jett, Sydney and Jonas) for a fun filled end to our Spring Break! We hung out and Art grilled out that night as we all got caught up and we just let all the kids run wild! :-) Sydney 11, Jonas 12, Gavin 7 they're not wild, Bentley 2 1/2, Jett and Slade are 19 months. The next day everyone headed up to Galveston! First time for many to play in the ocean; so that was a sight! :-) I was sick with the flu at home, but we have pics... Surprises are good! Thank you for the visit! ;-)

We love you all!