Monday, April 21, 2014


The church where Slade goes to school had an Easter carnival on Palm Sunday. There were moonwalks, a cake walk, face painting, balloon animals, games, refreshments and of course an egg hunt. Slade won the cake walk and was able to pick a cupcake for his prize. Gavin and Slade had a fun time at the First United Methodist Easter carnival. What a great way to start off the Easter week!
 Gavin on the moonwalk at church carnival
 Slade hunting for eggs at the Easter carnival
 Gavin hunting eggs
 Slade with his Easter goodies
 Gavin's Easter basket
 Kitty Kitten playing in the Easter grass
 Gavin and Slade after Easter Mass
 Go karting at PaPa's on Easter
 Camryn go karts too!
 Luke Grant Camryn Gavin and Slade ready to hunt eggs
 blue bonnet pic at PaPa's
It was Ruby's first time at PaPa's. She jumped in the creek for a swim and had a bunch of fun running around with Star. I hope you all had a wonderful Easter!